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Where to find cheap showers:
Rural hotels and caravan parks are usually happy to let you use their showers for a dollar or two.
Public toilet blocks in large towns sometimes have a cubicle with a shower.
Some rural industrial precincts have communal wash areas for their workers, especially near chemical storage areas for safety ablutions.
Gymnasia, sports and recreation grounds, and some rural race courses have showers.
Public libraries connected to municipal buildings may have showers in public toilets.
kellyjones00 (
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Bodily wastes:
Urine is self-sterile on being discharged from the body, but should be diluted 1:8 (urine:water) before pouring on plants. If there are no sewage dumps nearby for disposing of faeces, they should be buried at least 30cm deep, and away from dogs who will dig it up, and >100m from waterways. Toilet paper should be burnt before burying ashes.
kellyjones00 (
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