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Main > Technology > Computers > Internet
Color-blind people usually can't distinguish reds from greens. Make webpages friendlier by not using a red/green combination to contrast things.   kellyjones00 (593)

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Main > Technology > Computers > Repair & maintenance
Inter-media copying: Copy files from the first external media to the hard-drive, then copy the copies to the second external media. This is much faster than copying from one external media to another external media (e.g. CD to USB drive, or USB drive to USB drive).   kellyjones00 (593)

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Main > Technology > Computers > Software > Good free software
Applian FLV Player: Use the mouse scroll-button to fast-forward or rewind video in Applian FLV Player. link    kellyjones00 (593)

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Main > Technology > Computers > Software > Good free software Draw can be used for architectural drawings. Calc is like Windows Excel. Writer produces PDFs. Cross-platform.

Cinelerra: video-editing software (Linux).

Synfig: vector-based animation software. Cross-platform.

Audacity: sound-editing software. Cross-platform.

Knights: chess front-end (Linux).   kellyjones00 (593)

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Main > Technology > Computers > Software > Good free software
RSIBreak: Configuration includes variable break periods, variable periods of activity, and counting idle moments. One-click-install packages for various Linux distributions. Works with KDE desktop. link    kellyjones00 (593)

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Main > Technology > Global Positioning Units (GPS)
General tips:
  • Much safer than guessing where you're going, or trying to read maps whilst you're driving.
  • Good for knowing exactly where you are, in case of a breakdown or if you need medical care.
  • Good for calculating the best route, for fuel economy.   Kevin Solway (173)
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    Main > Technology > Global Positioning Units (GPS)
    Using a car GPS when bushwalking: Even though the GPS unit that you use in your car will not have bushwalking maps, it can still be of use. You can use your GPS to store the location of landmarks, like carparks, camping grounds, or forks in a track. So if you get lost, you can use your GPS to help you get back to these locations.   Kevin Solway (173)

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    Main > Technology > Computers > Internet
    Broadband and moving house tip: it's important first to check with the main telecommunications service provider to see if phone-lines in the precise area of your new abode do usually get broadband. For example, some residences are too far from the local telephone "exchange" for broadband (ADSL) and can only get dialup or wireless.   kellyjones00 (593)

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    Main > Technology > Computers > Programming > Delphi > Delphi Code snippets
    Horizontal scrollbar for listbox
    listbox.Perform(LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, 900, 0);
       thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Computers > Programming > Delphi > Delphi Code snippets
    Array of byte to string, and string to array of byte:
    // string to array

    StrPLCopy(pansichar(@arr), str, sizeof(arr));

    // array to str

    procedure AnsiStringFromBuf(var S: AnsiString; Buffer: PAnsiChar; Len: Integer);

    // Usage: ansistringfrombuf(str, pansichar(@arr), sizeof(arr));


    setstring(s, buffer, len);

    setlength(s, strlen(buffer));

       thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Computers > Programming > Delphi > Delphi Code snippets
    Detect when system is shutting down:

    procedure EndSessionMsg(var Msg : TMessage); message WM_QUERYENDSESSION;

    procedure TForm1.EndSessionMsg(var Msg : TMessage);


    if backingupinprocess then Msg.Result := 0; // prevent system from shutting down or logging off

    Msg.result := 0;

    if Msg.lparam = 0 then


    ShowMessage('System is shutting down');


    else if (DWORD(Msg.lparam) and ENDSESSION_LOGOFF) = ENDSESSION_LOGOFF then


    ShowMessage('User is logging off');


    end; // EndSessionMsg
       thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Computers > Programming > Delphi > Delphi Code snippets
    Focus a combobox:

    Normally, you can focus a component by using its "setfocus" method. However, a combobox requires the use of a different method.
    procedure TForm1.focuscombobox(combobox : tcombobox);

    var editHWnd : HWND;


    editHWnd := FindWindowEx(Combobox.handle, 0, nil, nil); // get the handle of the edit component

    if editHWnd <> 0 then windows.setfocus(editHWnd);

       thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Computers > Programming > Delphi > Delphi Code snippets
    Reading old versions of unpacked records:

    Different versions of delphi use a different number of bytes to align record fields. Using the following compiler directive may help in reading records that were used with older compilers.

    {$A4} // Set alignment to 4 bytes, for reading old format (Delphi 4) unpacked records

    As a rule, when creating the declarations for records, you should specify the use of packed records. For example:

    TPackedRecord = Packed Record
    . . .

    This future-proofs the record in the case that future versions of Delphi use a different number of bytes for field alignment.

    There may be some cost in performance, depending on the number and size of records, since unpacked records can be accessed faster.   thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Useful things > Batteries
    Extending the use of alkaline batteries: If your alkaline batteries no longer hold enough charge to power a high-current device, such as a digital camera, they will probably continue to work in a low current device, such as a digital clock or a remote control. This will give you possibly another 6 months of use out of your batteries.   Kevin Solway (173)

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    Main > Technology > Useful things > Batteries
    Cheap vs Expensive rechargeable batteries: Cheap rechargeable batteries (e.g., cheap NiMh batteries) will not hold their charge for very long, even if you don't use them. More expensive rechargeable batteries, such as "Eneloop" batteries, will hold their charge for a great many times longer.

    Lithium-ion batteries tend to hold charge for a longer period than NiMh, when not in use.   Kevin Solway (173)

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    Main > Technology > Computers > Networks > Networks & connections > Wired networks
    Supply power over an ethernet cable using POE ("power over ethernet") technology. This is ideal for providing power to security cameras which may not be near a power source. This can be done with a POE switch (pictured), or a POE injector. If the camera or device does not support POE then an active POE splitter is required at the destination end of the cable to separate the data from the power, and to reduce the voltage to an appropriate level for the device.   thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Computers > Networks > Networks & connections > Wired networks
    Run TWO ethernet signals over a single ethernet cable by using splitters (pictured). This can be preferable to running an extra cable, however this is only possible when you are not using Gigabit ethernet speeds. Slower speeds, such as 100Mbps, which is fast enough for most purposes, use only four of the eight wires in the cable. Splitters divide the cable into two lots of four, enabling you to use all eight wires for two separate ethernet signals. You will need a splitter on each end of the cable.   thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Computers > USB (Universal Serial Bus)
    Extend your USB cables beyond 5 metres. USB signals normally won't travel more than 5 metres along a normal USB cable, due to signal degradation. Sometimes you might want to use a USB device, such as a camera, that is more than 5 metres away from the computer. This problem can be solved in two different ways:

    1. A USB cable extender booster (see image).


    2. A USB extension over ethernet cable, which requires two adapters, and an ethernet cable between the two adapters.   thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Computers > USB (Universal Serial Bus)
    Collections of free portable applications are available which you can download onto your USB memory stick, and which do just about everything. These are great for travellers. One such suite of apps is called "Portableapps" and another is "Liberkey".   thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Computers > USB (Universal Serial Bus)
    Make a USB flash drive into a Windows recovery disk. Search online for ways to copy a bootable version of Linux, or other operating system, onto your flash drive, which will give you a platform from which you can attempt to fix a failed system disk.   thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Computers > USB (Universal Serial Bus)
    USB3 ports are a lot faster than USB2, and also provide more power than USB2. An SSD inside a 3.5" external disk drive enclosure can be connected to a USB3 port through a single USB cable, and it will run almost as fast as an SSD connected inside your computer.   thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Useful things > Gadgets > Fire-starters
    To start a fire: Locate a sheltered spot, a dry non-flammable bed like sand, air inflow pressure preferably beneath the fire, dry kindling, and a fire-lighter (matches, cigarette lighter, or flint).   kellyjones00 (593)

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    Main > Technology > Useful things > Gadgets > Fire-starters
    If dry, these can be used as kindling: citrus peels, chaff, husks and nut shells, twigs, paper, wood shavings, bark, bits of wood dipped in leftover candle-wax.   kellyjones00 (593)

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    Main > Technology > Small engines
    Two-stroke fuel mix: To be as accurate as you can with the ratio of fuel to oil, use a translucent mixing bottle with fill lines marked on the side. Pour in the fuel first, then the oil, and mix vigorously before refilling the tank.   kellyjones00 (593)

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    Main > Technology > Small engines
    Two-stroke water pump: Run the engine at least once a month. Two-stroke water pumps are notoriously hard to get going when neglected.   kellyjones00 (593)

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    Main > Technology > Batteries
    Sealed lead acid: This is the typical type used for cars, motorbikes, and electric-start generators. They must be kept charged, so if you have several batteries, it is worth investing in a smart-charger.   kellyjones00 (593)

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    Main > Technology > Small engines
    Sinewave inverter generator maintenance:
    • Run the generator for ten minutes every month.

    • Every 3 months or 100 hours' of use, check the spark plug for carbon build up and wear, ensure the air filter is clean, and renew the engine oil. Do not pour old oil onto the ground, because petroleum products are carcinogenic. Find a proper oil-disposal facility, which recycles oil. Similarly, stale fuel should be properly disposed of.

    • Larger generators should not be run using small appliances to avoid carbon build-up inside the engine. The correct wattage is important, e.g. 1/3 the running power.

       kellyjones00 (593)

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    Main > Technology
    Remove "Warranty void if removed" stickers, in such a manner that you can re-stick them like new, by gradually working a slippery piece of material under the sticker. A static shielding bag is the sort of slippery material you can use to get the sticker off without damaging it.   thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Printers
    Cheap printing:

    Buy discount, generic print cartridges. The quality may not be as good as the name brand cartridges, but they are generally good enough for printing text.

    Print using economy mode, or draft mode, if you don't require the best quality printouts.

    Print two pages on page by shrinking to make them fit, if your print driver allows this, and you have good eyesight.

    Print on both sides of the paper if your print driver allows this. On a standard printer you will need to manually turn over and reverse the paper halfway through printing.

    Print to PDF instead of paper, if you really don't need a hard copy.

    Use a laser printer with a black cartridge if you are mainly printing a lot of pages of black text. If you need to print colour photos occasionally then you can use a web service to do this quality colour printing for you.   thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Printers
    Ink-jet vs Laser printer:

    Ink-jet printers are best for printing high quality colour images. Lasers are best for printing black and white.

    Ink-jet printers can waste a lot of ink, and the ink can dry-up if you don't use it for a long time.

    Laser printers don't waste ink, and you can leave them a long time without using them.

    Laser printers print pages a lot faster, and tend to be more economical in the long term. The more you print the more economical they tend to be.

    An ink-jet printer may be your only option if you want to print on large paper sizes.

    Since laser printers do not use ink, but a type of plastic that is melted onto the paper, the print is a lot more waterproof, and doesn't smear when it gets wet.   thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Small engines > Air compressor
    General usage tips:
      — Ensure it is always filled with the correct amount and type of engine oil.

      — Do not use with an extension cord. Plug directly into the power source.

      — If powering a framing gun, the nail depth can be adjusted via the air regulator.

      — Always check the air valve for clogging before each use, by pulling it a few times.

      — At the end of each use, release air via the pull-ring air valve down to 1.5 bar. This pressure should be safe enough to release the air hose. Wear gloves to protect one's skin from the freezing air temperature.

      — Always open the tank drainage screw at the end of every use, to allow moisture to drain away.

      Before starting the air compressor, connect the hose and appliance.

      — Adjust the regulator to run at the lowest workable pressure, to save power.

       kellyjones00 (593)

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    Main > Technology > Audio > Headphones > Earbuds
    Tip size: Use the largest size tip on your earbuds that is comfortable. The better the seal, the better the sound will be. Each ear may require a different size tip.   thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Audio > Headphones
    Open back headphones may have a better soundstage, but may offer less noise isolation.   thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Small engines
    How to easily measure when to change the oil in the generator: Time how many hours the generator takes to empty a full petrol tank, then calculate how many times you can refill the tank before an oil change is needed. For instance, if the generator runs for 10 hours on a full tank, and needs an oil change after 100 hours' use, then it will need an oil change after the tenth refuel. Mark each refuel on the fuel can.   kellyjones00 (593)

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    Main > Technology > Watches
    Fix watch band retainer loop with electrical tape:
    Remove the watch from your hand, then fasten the watch band. Using a length of electrical tape, wrap the tape around the watch band at the location where the retaining loop used to be STICKY SIDE OUT (which will allow the watch band to slide inside the loop). Several layers of tape will be enough. Then take another length of electrical tape, and add several more layers to the loop, but this time STICKY SIDE IN, so that the outside will not be sticky.   thesource (378)

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    Main > Technology > Computers
    Hard Drive Vibration Noise can be fixed by fitting a rubber band around the drive, where it contacts the rest of the case.   thesource (378)

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