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Fruit and vegetables
Using urine as fertiliser:
Dilute 1:8 (urine:water) and pour on the soil around plants only when the urine is fresh. Don't use on plants with edible raw leaves or ground-lying berries.
kellyjones00 (
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Organic pest / disease control
A - Z of products
Aeration: prune plants to allow air flow through them to prevent build-up of diseases
Baking soda: often used in diluted form to control diseases
Beer traps: stale beer attracts slugs and snails
Bordeaux: mixture of copper sulphate and lime that mainly controls bacterial diseases
Beat-a-Bug: a product combining pyrethrum, garlic and capsicum, useful for controlling most insects
Basal watering: water around the base of plants instead of on stem or foliage to prevent fungal and bacterial diseases
Copper tape: around plants to stop slug and snail attack
Crop rotation: planting different plant family groups in individual garden plots each year for four years in a crop rotation system to avoid build-up of pests and diseases specific to one plant family group
Derris dust: dust made from plant material; controls several insects
Dipel: biological bacteria that attack larvae of several insect species including cabbage white butterfly and light brown apple moth
Enviromat mulch collars: placed around plants for weed control
Fruit fly traps: attract and kill fruit fly adults to prevent them breeding
Hydronurture igloo: water-filled cellular ribbed igloo used to protect plants and give extra warmth to boost growth, especially during cooler conditions
Insect predators (including mites, wasps, and eelworms): can be purchased and released in the garden
Jiffy pots: compressed peat moss plugs suitable for seed germination and propagation
Liquid seaweed: provides minute quantities of nutrients for plants and seems to help build-up of pest and disease resistance in plants; used as soil drench and foliar spray
Lime dust / powder: used for making Bordeaux and mixed with water, used to control apple scab disease; dust puffed on leaves will also control apple and pear slug
Lime sulphur: corrosive liquid used as a fungicide; will control some bacterial and fungal diseases
Milk: as a spray on leaves, can control powdery mildew infections
Mineral oil: controls insects and their eggs
Mulch: organic material that attracts worms and suppresses weeds
Multiguard Slug and Snail Pellets: contains an iron compound that breaks down into harmless organic products and is non-polluting
Neem: plant extract acting on insects by making them starve
Netting: prevents bird and animal predation
Citrus oil: controls some insects and their eggs
Paper bags: placed over fruits before ripe, to prevent birds and insects from eating them
Pestoil: a useful oil product that controls many insects like scale, citrus leaf miner and aphids
Pheromone traps: attracts male codling moth insects to prevent them breeding
Pyrethrum: broad spectrum spray that will kill all insects, so use with care and read the label
Quassia chips: steep in boiling water and use on plants to discourage possums
Soapy water: smothers insects and scale
Sticky traps: glue on the trap's surface traps insects like white fly
Tea tree oil: an antiseptic, cleaning agent and disease control
Vitec fish food emulsion: fertiliser used as a foliar spray or liquid root drench; seems to build up disease resistance in some plants
— Tips from Allen Gilbert's "
All About Apples
kellyjones00 (
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Always hire some working class person to do your gardening. The last thing any self-respecting person would want is for the neighbours to spy you doing something like gardening.
Diogenes (
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