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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Mould: Spray vinegar on the mould, leave for a few minutes, then wipe clean. The vinegar destroys the mould. Mix a solution with 80% vinegar and 20% water.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Get rid of cooking smells: Let simmer a small pot of vinegar and water solution.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Soothe a bee or jellyfish sting: Douse with vinegar. It will soothe irritation and relieve itching.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Wine stains: Spots caused by wine can be removed from 100 percent cotton, cotton polyester and permanent press fabrics if done so within 24 hours. To do it, sponge white distilled vinegar directly onto the stain and rub away the spots. Then clean according to the directions on the manufacturer's care tag.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Freshen vegetables: Freshen up slightly wilted vegetables by soaking them in cold water and vinegar.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Meat tenderizer: As a tenderizer for tough meat or game, make a marinade in the proportion of half a cup of your favorite vinegar to a cup of heated liquid, such as bouillon; or for steak, you may prefer to a mix of vinegar and oil, rubbed in well and allowed to stand for two hours.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Boiling eggs: When boiling an egg and it's cracked, a little vinegar in the water will keep the white from running out.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Cleaning Vintage Lace: Soak the lace in cold water, rinsing it several times. Next, hand-wash the lace gently with a wool detergent, such as Woolite. If rust spots are a problem, try removing them with a mixture of white vinegar and hot water.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Getting the last drops: When you can't get the last bit of mayonnaise or salad dressing out of the jar, try dribbling a little of your favorite vinegar into it, put the cap on tightly and shake well. You'll be amazed at how much you've been wasting.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Cooking fish: Try soaking fish in vinegar and water before cooking it. It will be sweeter, more tender and hold its shape better. When boiling or poaching fish, a tablespoon of vinegar added to the water will keep it from crumbling so easily.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Freshen baby clothes: The addition of 1 cup of white distilled vinegar to each load of baby clothes during the rinse cycle will naturally break down uric acid and soapy residue leaving the clothes soft and fresh.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Blanket renewal: Cotton and wool blankets become soft, fluffy and free of soap odor if 2 cups of white distilled vinegar are added to the rinse cycle of the wash.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Unclog steam iron: Pour equal amounts of white distilled vinegar and water into the iron's water chamber. Turn to steam and leave the iron on for 5 minutes in an upright position. Then unplug and allow to cool. Any loose particles should come out when you empty the water.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Clothes washing magic: Clothes will rinse better if 1 cup of white distilled vinegar is added to the last rinse water. The acid in vinegar is too mild to harm fabrics, but strong enough to dissolve the alkalies in soaps and detergents.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Keep Flowers Longer: Add 2 tablespoons sugar and 2 tablespoons white vinegar in a 1-quart vase of water. Trim stems and change water every five days.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Pest fighter: A teaspoon of white distilled vinegar for each quart bowl of drinking water helps keep your pet free of fleas and ticks. The ratio of one teaspoon to one quart is for a forty-pound animal.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Pet accident: Test the color fastness of the carpet with white distilled vinegar in an inconspicuous place. Then sprinkle distilled vinegar over the fresh pet accident. Wait a few minutes and sponge from the center outward. Blot up with a dry cloth. This procedure may need to be repeated for stubborn stains.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Paintbrush softener: Soak the paintbrush in hot white distilled vinegar, and then wash out with warm, sudsy water.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Fresh lunch box: It is easy to take out the heavy stale smell often found in lunch boxes. Dampen a piece of fresh bread with white distilled vinegar and leave it in the lunch box overnight.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Cleaning Leather Shoes: Make a solution of one part water to one part white vinegar, and use it sparingly on the shoes. Dip a cloth into the solution, and dab it over the salt-streaked parts of your shoes. May have to repeat the cleaning a few times before all the salt is removed. Salt actually can damage leather, so it's best to clean shoes as quickly as possible. Don't let the salt stains build up.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Ear drops: Combine in equal portion with rubbing alcohol (or methylated spirits) to help control mild ear infections. See your doctor if you suspect the infection is of the inner ear, or if you get no results.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Toenail fungus: Soak toes in a solution of vinegar and water, using 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water, 15 minutes per day.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Coloring Easter eggs: Mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar with each 1/2 cup of hot water, then add food coloring. (Check egg-coloring booklets or food dye box for specific directions.) Vinegar keeps the food dyes bright and prevents streaky, uneven colors.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Soothe a sore throat: Put a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water. Gargle, then swallow. For another great gargle: 1 cup hot water, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 teaspoon vinegar, gargle then drink.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Fight dandruff: After shampooing, rinse with a solution of 1/2 cup vinegar and 2 cups of warm water.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Relieve sunburn: Lightly rub white distilled or cider vinegar on skin. Reapply as needed.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
No-wax floors: To wash no-wax floors, add 1/2 cup of white distilled vinegar to a half-gallon of warm water.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Carpet stain removal: A mixture of 1 teaspoon of liquid detergent and 1 teaspoon of white distilled vinegar in a pint of lukewarm water will remove non-oily stains from carpets. Apply it to the stain with a soft brush or towel and rub gently. Rinse with a towel moistened with clean water and blot dry. Repeat this procedure until the stain is gone. Then dry quickly, using a fan or hair dryer. This should be done as soon as the stain is discovered.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Streakless windows: Simply wash with a mixture of equal parts of white distilled vinegar and warm water. Dry with a soft cloth. This solution will make your windows gleam and will not leave the usual film or streaks on the glass.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Washing woodwork: You can ease the job of washing painted walls, woodwork and Venetian blinds by using a mixture of 1 cup ammonia, 1/2 cup white distilled or cider vinegar and 1/4 cup baking soda with 1 gallon of warm water. Wipe this solution over walls or blinds with a sponge or cloth and rinse with clear water. Dirt and grime comes off easily and the solution will not dull the painted finish or leave streaks.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Water or alcohol marks on wood: Stubborn rings resulting from wet glasses being placed on wood furniture may be removed by rubbing with a mixture of equal parts of white distilled vinegar and olive oil. Rub with the grain and polish for the best results.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Garbage disposal cleaner: Garbage disposals may be kept clean and odor free with vinegar cubes. Vinegar cubes are made by filling an ice tray with a mixture of 1 cup of vinegar and enough water to fill the ice tray and then freezing it. Run the mixture through the disposal, and then flush it with cold water for a minute or so.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Coffee maker cleaner (automatic): White distilled vinegar can help to dissolve mineral deposits that collect in automatic drip coffee makers from hard water. Fill the reservoir with white distilled vinegar and run it through a brewing cycle. Rinse thoroughly with water when the cycle is finished. (Be sure to check the owner's manual for specific instructions.)   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Clean the microwave: Boil a solution of 1/4 cup of white distilled vinegar and 1 cup of water in the microwave. Will loosen splattered on food and deodorize.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Deodorize the kitchen drain: Pour a cup of white distilled vinegar down the drain once a week. Let stand 30 minutes and then flush with cold water.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Clean the refrigerator: Wash with a solution of equal parts water and white distilled vinegar.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Clean and disinfect wood cutting boards: Wipe with full strength white distilled vinegar.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Brass polish: Brass, copper and pewter will shine if cleaned with the following mixture. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of white distilled vinegar and stir in flour until it becomes a paste. Apply paste to the metals and let it stand for about 15 minutes. Rinse with clean warm water and polish until dry.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Ant deterrent: Ant invasions can sometimes be deterred by washing counter tops, cabinets and floors with white distilled vinegar.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Cleaning Stainless Steel Appliances: Apply vinegar with a soft cloth to remove streaks from stainless steel appliances. Try in an inconspicuous place first.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Toilet bowl cleaner: Stubborn stains can be removed from the toilet by spraying them with white distilled vinegar and brushing vigorously. The bowl may be deodorized by adding 3 cups of white distilled vinegar. Allow it to remain for a half hour, then flush.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Unclog the showerhead: Corrosion may be removed from showerheads or faucets by soaking them in diluted white distilled vinegar overnight. This may be easily accomplished by saturating a terry cloth towel in vinegar and wrapping it around the showerhead or faucet.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Kill grass: To kill grass on sidewalks and driveways, pour full strength white distilled vinegar on it.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Kill weeds: Spray white distilled vinegar full strength on tops of weeds. Reapply on any new growth until plants have starved.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Increase soil acidity: In hard water areas, add a cup of vinegar to a gallon of tap water for watering acid loving plants like rhododendrons, gardenias or azaleas. The vinegar will release iron in the soil for the plants to use.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Neutralize garden lime: Rinse your hands liberally with white distilled vinegar after working with garden lime to avoid rough and flaking skin. Clean pots before repotting, rinse with vinegar to remove excess lime.   [guest]

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Main > Miscellaneous > Useful things > White vinegar
Removing labels: This can often be done by soaking the label in vinegar for a few minutes.   thesource (378)

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